Newest Kansas City Royals Fan | Newborn Photographer | Melissa Rieke Photography

Newest Kansas City Royals Fan

Baby Boy Beau

Melissa Rieke Photography


I just love it when I get families in the studio that I have a “small world” connection with!  First off Dad came in and pronounced my last name correctly (which is Rieke but sounds like Ricky).  So right off I knew he must either be from Shawnee or know some other Rieke’s!  It’s always fun to make that connection right off!  Then I had the most fabulous time photographing baby Beau.  He was the perfect baby model..totally zonked out and ready to pose pose pose!  I adore how his session turned out, in fact…I like it so much that I may try to start a new session FLOW and DESIGN for all my newborns!  Yep…I was that inspired and excited by this session!  Beau slept so great that we finished up a bit early and I got to visit with his parents some more.  I found out that Dad also works with one of my dearest friends Husband’s as well!  Such a small world!  Not only that but I also get to photograph this little man as he grows up thru his first year, I can’t wait to see how he changes…although I wish they could stay little longer!

So…here he is…the newest Royals fan in KC..Mr. Beau!

Kansas City Newborn Photographer | Kansas City Royals BabyP I N_______I M A G E

Kansas City Newborn Photographer | Kansas City Royals BabyP I N_______I M A G E

Beau is part of the Tiny Squishy Sweet Plan at MRP.  He will be back into the studio to capture his year full of milestones.  First up Sitting then his First Birthday!

Book your newborn session today!

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