Holiday Hoopla Christmas Minis 2018

Holiday Hoopla

Christmas Minis 2018

It’s Here It’s Here!!  Holiday Hoopla 2018 Christmas Minis coming to you from Prancer & Co.!

Christmas Minis 2018 Holiday Hoopla Kansas City Photographer Photos P I N_______I M A G E

I had this idea in my head and it was taking a bit longer to come together than I had hoped…I almost scrapped it about 3 times but I am so glad I didn’t!  I love it so much!

 Building Sets is one of my favorite things.  I seem to be all over the place and then I settle in on an idea and I just dig in!  Its so much fun build things with my own hands!

Christmas Minis 2018 Holiday Hoopla Kansas City Photographer Photos P I N_______I M A G E

I released the Minis a couple weeks back but there are still spots open so grab yours up!

Holiday Hoopla

Christmas Minis 2018

20 Minutes

5-8 Digital Images


Christmas Minis 2018 Holiday Hoopla Kansas City Photographer Photos P I N_______I M A G ENeed Some Ideas on What To Wear

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Christmas Minis 2018 Holiday Hoopla Kansas City Photographer Photos P I N_______I M A G E

Want to see some past session!

Build Your Own Set:

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