Newborn Love {Kansas City Newborn Photographer}

It’s no secret I love a squishy sweet little newborn.  Who doesn’t really?  Newborn sessions always get me excited and my creative mind goes wild.  Some people say…”well isn’t every newborn alike?  how different can they be?”   No way is my answer.  Each little squishy ball of sweetness is unique.  They each have their own special features, their personalities already show thru in just the few short days they have been here.  And ask any mommy…they already had that personality before they even were born!  So each newborn session is unique just in the fact that the babies are so different.  I can lay one baby girl down on the exact same blanket with the exact same hair bow and get a completely different image than I would get from another baby girl.  This is why I love photography and newborns so much.  Even their little sighs are unique.  I get just about as giddy as the new parents do when they take those big long yawns and squirm to get all comfy…heaven!

Another reason why I love photographing newborns so much is the time I get to spend with the parents.  I am there for a while…and I basically move in with all the stuff I bring!  I get to learn a little bit more about the family and the meaning behind the babies names…and all about the siblings!  I love it.  Of course I get to know the parents at my older sessions too…but it isn’t the same…we are way more distracted with chasing kids and combing hair and being silly!!

Ok…I have bored you enough with my ramblings…all I have to say is…THIS (below) is why I love newborn photography!

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Newborn Portrait Sessions are done in the first 10 days after the baby is born.  Please contact us before the baby is born to get on the newborn schedule!

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